Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This is an older picture of Charlie (now fondly referred to as 'the beast'), angel that he is, he hasn't pulled this stunt lately (could it be that there is no toilet paper on the roll any longer? that was a luxury from long ago!)... the beast escaped from the backyard this morning (chasing a cat)... scooted right underneath, so i'm running around the neighborhood (ok, next door) like a crazy person trying to persuade him to come to me... i desperately need to learn how to teach him to COME to me! So the fun of this morning has been to drag out anything I could find to block the fence and gate (sorry Fred, looks like Sanford and Sons)... taking the beast for a frozen walk right now... then when i get back just might post a picture of how nice the gate area looks, ugh...


  1. The beast is loose. I'm sure it's not funny when you're going through it but it is really funny to hear the adventures of Charlie!

  2. Thanks Jessica! This actually made me laugh so hard... I was taking a shower and I guess he got bored... I was thinking, WOW is he ever being good (not whining, etc)... until I opened the shower curtain, ha ha... I doubt we'll ever have toilet paper in the holder again... this weekend he was pulling paper towels off a roll I had stored in the closet, ha...
