Tuesday, January 19, 2010

And what am I supposed to do with this braided thing?

Something new every day! This weekend, after Charlie had chewed the top off of THREE Kong's (the last one being an 'extreme kong' which took all of 5 minutes) we pulled out the big guns. A Christmas gift from his Aunt Bridget/Bill/Max... he went nuts, swatting it back and forth, jumping on it, playing with it and then he got down to serious business. It's lasted a few days now and there is still some left! It's in the secret drawer and will be brought out soon! We're giving Kong one more try, bought a medium this time, for peanut butter and cookies so we can go to the first puppy class tonight (no dogs)... Wish us luck, ha ha


  1. Wow! I have never heard of a dog destroying a Kong. Didn't even know it was possible! Slowly understanding the "beast" nickname haha.

  2. It's crazy, like he slices off the top, nice and neat... he had his first Kong for quite a while, at that time I had bought a spare (just in case)... well when he chopped off the end of the old Kong I gave him the new one... 5 minutes later he was running around crazy, he had the top of the new one in his mouth, so then I bought an EXTREME Kong... reviews say pit bulls can't chew them up... 5 minutes, top sliced off nice and neat, not even any chew marks! Houdini is what we should have named him, ha ha
