Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No sissy dogs down he'yah!

I swear you can't be a sissy dog and go to a park in Charleston! When I first saw this sign I thought OH NO... I'm not taking my beast in there... shoot, he'll go after an alligator in a second, just wanting to play and then *GULP*... oh, I would miss the beast waaaaay too much. So I talked to other people, they said the alligators don't really come up that far... hmmmm, ok, but I'm keeping my eye out anyway, and I'm prepared to run like a robber in a zig zag pattern and hop that fence WITH the beast and WITH Fred! Yikes! Otherwise, James Island Dog Park... VERY NICE!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy 8 months Charlie!

Happy Birthday Charlie! You're 8 months old! Woo hoo! Hmmmm, should have ordered a cake! hee hee Charlie is definitely growing up! He's much calmer during the day... he still has his moments in the morning after he finally wakes up around 8-8:30, likes to find things and drag them to you... socks, shoes, blankets, pillows, he's not picky... then he calms back down. He is thrilled that Fred is working from home today, maybe I won't talk so much ha ha... I think I'm driving him crazy... Maybe I'll walk him over to Doolittle's and let him pick out a toy! He does love to shop!
Have a good weekend everyone!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The beast plays basketball!

Ok, so the beast plays WITH a basketball... he had the time of his life! While Fred and his dad were powerwashing the teak patio furniture, I had to find a way to keep Charlie busy, I found an old partially deflated basketball in the garage, he loved how he could grab onto it and carry it around. It was a hit! It's a delight to see simple pleasures enjoyed so much... a lesson us humans should take, hee hee...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What? You think I was digging in mud? Why???

Gotta love a rainy day... the rain part is fine it's the mud that gets tiresome... The beasty one loves to play in the mud, dig up rocks, worms and who knows what else... When he comes to the door, if you just open it and he's muddy he'll come rushing in, mud flying, having a big time... you have to catch him, it's quite a skill, ha ha... then it's time in the sink to rinse the body the face, ugh... I was just thinking to myself yesterday, I need to start doing more weight exercises... well, helllllooooooooooo this pretty much covers it, he's a 16# beastyball that I lift so many times a day, hey... next... iron-woman competition, hee hee!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hey everyone, meet Rue, Charlie's BFF!

Remember a few posts back when I mentioned Rue, Charlie's friend from Kinderpuppy class? Well Polly has sent me some wonderful pictures of Rue... however, at this time Kodak is preventing me from saving any of them EXCEPT the first one... so above is a sweet picture of Rue (she looks used to getting her picture taken, ha ha)... there were so many great pictures (THANKS POLLY!)Rue is a sweetie!


I know! I know! It looks like a tooth gone bad... a wicked fang that just kept growing... but rest assured... it's only an antler, the hot new thing for dogs to chew on... at $2.55/ounce I was really hoping he was going to love it! He's had it around for a while, and chews on it periodically. Nothing beats a bully or a flossie but he loves his antler nonetheless! It's going to be a beautiful day, so I think we'll head out to sit the pool later today! hee hee...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Well, it really happened, THE BEAST GRADUATED!

Well last night Charlie received his diploma from Susan Marett (Purely Positive Dog Training) and he received and EXCELLENCE AWARD! (OK, so everyone received an excellence award, but everyone deserved it). The night was bittersweet, he played with his friends Rue and Higgins, and after the class said GOODBYE... hopefully he will have another opportunity to play with those two in the future. They got along well! Everyone in the class did a great job. Charlie has come such a long way since he first came to that class timid and shy, afraid to walk up to Susan. He ended by not only running up to Rue and Higgins, but also to their owners, Polly and Elizabeth! Towards the end of the night he ran up to Susan, he's just becoming a different dog! It's great! Sure, there are things that we will work on, and maybe work on forever (i.e. LEAVE IT, DROP IT, COME) but the more we do it the better he will become! We'll definetly take another class in the future, maybe not at 7:30 (makes getting up at 4:45 pretty hard)... but an earlier class for sure!
Highlights of the evening included receiving a stuffed toy, that he was so thrilled with he couldn't get his mind off of... as well as me spilling the container of treats all over the floor (ugh)... I forgot my camera (OMG)and didn't realize until we were almost there, so pictures were taken last night when we got home. Hey, Polly, Elizabeth, if you happen to be reading this, please send me a picture of your dog one day, so I can include them in this blog! (can send to bstroud1@gmail.com)
So GOOD JOB Charlie and THANK YOU to Susan, and KEEP IN TOUCH to Elizabeth (Higgins),Polly (Rue) & Susan!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Charlie graduates tonight! Woohoooooooo Charlie!

Charlie graduates from Kinderpuppy classes this evening! Way to go Charlie! There are a few things that we'll continue to work on, but he's learned alot, he's been a willing participant and he's much more interactive with other dogs/people. He's come such a long way! I'll have to get a picture tonight... yep, that's me the crazy dog owner taking pictures at kinderpuppy graduation, ha ha... oh well... it's a big deal for him!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Dog Park: on the way, while we're there and on the way home

One of charlie's favorite things in the world to do... go to the dogpark... we've only been to the one on east bay st downtown... nice water view one way, rainbow row the other way, and close to waterfront park... it gets a little dusty, but overall, a really nice place. when we arrived... NO DOGS... ruh roh... there were several big dogs in the ball park next door to the dog park, but hmmmm, there are ways to get out, and i think it's safe to say that charlie will never go over to the other side! all of a sudden dog after dog after dog, he played hard and was a gentleman. he's not afraid of the big dogs, he puts them in his place. he's cautious but plays really hard. he loves it when people are standing outside the park watching, he runs by them all to see what comments he can receive... it's too funny to watch. he had his head hanging out the window on the way there and on the way home... we thought he would be worn out, all this hard play was in addition to the four miles we had already walked, but nope, still full of energy, omg...