Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Charlie the angel... ha ha...

Well, good news, the beast LOVES the loveseat in what is now 'his room'... he sits on the arm of the loveseat and looks out the window for hours... growls and barks at the kids going to school in the morning, the mail lady (ugh), and any car that slows down to go over the speed hump. Other times he just sits contently watching everything, as if he's watching the best TV show on earth! He often takes little cat (GASP!) naps, ha ha... I guess it's kind of like his 'glass of wine', he seems so much calmer when he can see outside... Glad you like it Charlie!


  1. It was so great to finally meet you and Charlie! Thank you so much for taking the time to swing by and say "hi". Glad Charlie is digging his rearranged pad. Take care!

  2. Thank YOU for volunteering! What a great job you all do! Fred speaks very highly of you and really appreciates all your hard work. Glad to put a face to a name and be able to say hello, and Charlie was THRILLED to meet you... he can't get those gloves off his mind, ha ha... Have a good day!
